Perel said the weekly chose to publish the photos because 'they are very gripping and powerful and they help illustrate a very significant news story. The official investigation report says the teens committed suicide. The weekly says on its Web site that the photos will accompany an article saying Harris shot Klebold. He said no photo will be published depicting any of the 12 students and one teacher the gunmen killed on April 20, 1999.
Two photos show them lying side-by-side, a shotgun and rifle nearby.Įnquirer Editor David Perel refused to say how he got the pictures or whether he paid for them, though he said money was spent investigating the case.
The Boca Raton, Fla.-based supermarket tabloid announced on its Web site that it will publish the pictures of Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold in Friday's edition. By: Robert Weller, Associated Press Writer (AP) The National Enquirer plans to publish leaked crime-scene photographs showing the bloodied bodies of the two teen-age gunman who stormed Columbine High School four years ago.